Parish Council Meetings

Sandford Parish Council holds its Council meeting on the first Thursday each month at the Sandford Village Hall at 8.15pm unless otherwise stated. 

 Everyone is welcome to attend.

All minutes are in draft format until approved at the next Council meeting. 

 Agenda and Minutes


About the Parish

Sign PostSandford Parish is in the District of Mid Devon and is situated approximately two miles north of Crediton and some ten miles from Exeter. The parish comprises the village of Sandford and the hamlets of Newbuildings, West Sandford and East Village together with outlying farms and cottages with a total population in excess of 1200.


Sandford is a rural parish with a great sense of community, and has two pubs, a community shop with Post Office owned and run by the community, a primary school, a recreation ground, plus a Parish Hall and three Churches and many local organisations and clubs. There is also a dedicated footpath/cycleway from Sandford village to Crediton via the 'Millennium Green'.

Notice Of Election


Mid Devon Election of a Parish Councillor for Sandford

  1. Forms of nomination for the Parish Election may be obtained from Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6PP from the Returning Officer who will, at the request of an elector for any electoral area prepare a nomination paper for signature. Please ring 01884 255255 and ask for the Election Team or email 
  2. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6PP on any day after the date of this notice but no later than 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025. 
  3. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 1 May 2025. 
  4. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Friday 11 April 2025. Applications can be made online: 
  5. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes and amendments or cancellations of proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6PP by 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025. 
  6. New applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6PP by 5pm on Wednesday 23 April 2025. 
  7.  Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election on grounds of physical incapacity or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6PP by 5pm on Thursday 1 May 2025. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5pm on Wednesday 23 April 2025. To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday 23 April 2025 
Dated: Tuesday 25 March 2025
Stephen Walford,  Returning Officer

Job Vacancy: Clerk to the Council and Responsible Finance Officer

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Sandford Parish Council

Sandford Parish Council seeks to appoint a Clerk and RFO to succeed the current clerk of over 40 years of service. The Parish of Sandford is adjacent to Crediton in mid Devon and covers the village and large rural district.

The Parish Council comprises 12 Councillors and meets 11 times per year, normally on the third Thursday of the month, except August, and is supported by a committee structure.

We are looking for a clerk with good IT skills (Office 365) and clerking experience. Working from home they will be responsible for managing the Council’s day to day business, providing advice, following up actions and implementing decisions. Preparing council agendas, record minutes, prepare and monitor budgets and manage the Councils assets and finances

The role is part time (10 hours per week). The hourly rate will be based on the salary terms in the national NJC Green Book Agreement LC1 (7-12 substantive benchmark range) dependent on qualifications and experience. In addition, there will be the HMRC allowance paid for home working.

Please view the website for details of the Council's activities and a job description.

If you wish to discuss this opportunity, please contact Richard Ward Chair by email: to arrange a time to discuss the role.

To apply send your CV and covering email to the above address by 10 April 2025

Interviews will be arranged during the week commencing 28 April 2025 in the Council's Sport Pavilion, Sandford.




Job Description: Clerk to the Council and Responsible Finance Officer

Overall Responsibilities

The Clerk to the Council will be the Proper Officer of the Council and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all the functions, and in particular to serve or issue all the notifications required by law of a local authority's Proper Officer. The Clerk will be responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Council in connection with its function as a Council are carried out. The Clerk is expected to advise the Council on, and assist in the formation of, overall policies to be followed in respect of the Council’s activities and in particular to produce the information required for making effective decisions and to implement constructively all decisions. The person appointed will be accountable to the Council for the effective management of all its resources and will report to them as and when required. The Clerk will also be the Responsible Financial Officer and responsible for all financial records of the Council and the careful administration of its finances.

Specific Responsibilities

1. To ensure that statutory and other provisions governing or affecting the running of the Council are observed.

2. To manage, monitor and balance the Council's accounts and prepare records for audit purposes and VAT.

3. To ensure that the Council's obligations for Risk Assessment are properly met.

4. To prepare agendas for meetings of the Council and its Committees and to be an Ex Officio member of those Committees

5. To attend meetings of the Council, and appropriate Committees when needed.

6. To take overall responsibility for managing the payroll.

7. To receive correspondence and documents on behalf of the Council and to deal with the correspondence or documents or bring such items to the attention of the Council. To issue correspondence as a result of instructions of, or the known policy of the Council.

8. To receive and report on invoices for goods and services to be paid for by the Council and to ensure such accounts are met. To issue invoices on behalf of the Council for goods and services and to ensure payment is received.

9. To draw up both on his/her own initiative and as a result of suggestions by Councillors proposals for consideration by the Council and to advise on practicability and likely effects of specific courses of action.

10. Should other members of staff be appointed, the Clerk is to act as their line manager in keeping with the policies of the Council and is to undertake all necessary activities in connection with the management of salaries, conditions of employment and work of other staff.

11. To monitor the implemented policies of the Council to ensure they are achieving the desired result and where appropriate suggest modifications.

12. To act as the representative of the Council as required.

13. To keep the Council’s website and electronic records updated.

14. To issue notices and prepare agendas and minutes for the Annual Parish and Public Meetings: to attend these Meetings and to implement the decisions that are agreed by the Council.

15. To prepare, in consultation with the Chairman, press releases about the activities of, or decisions of, the Council.

16. To attend training courses or seminars on the work and role of the Clerk as required by the Council.

17. To work towards the achievement of the status of Qualified Clerk as a minimum requirement for effectiveness in the position of Clerk to the Council.

18. To continue to acquire the necessary professional knowledge required for the efficient management of the affairs of the Council: Suggested is membership of your professional body The Society of Local Council Clerks.

19. To attend the Conference of the National Association of Local Councils, Society of Local Council Clerks, and other relevant bodies, as a representative of the Council as required.